
bon iver.

Today was the Northwest.
I loved every minute.
the rain. the overcast. the feeling of contentment.
everything was held together by today. it is like the clouds hold the world from shattering, you know?
Rain washes things new, and i think that is why God made rain...well at least one of the many beneficial life-giving reasons for its presence.

not only did it hold potnetial, but did I feel it's power at work.
people speaking words right and left, and God's grace thrust upon me.
so much love. so much grace. so much forgiveness.
If I was not encaptured by God's choice to love, where would i be?
If i could not accept it, how would i love?
if I could not recognize Him, what would i see?
i am so thankful for today and what it brought and what it is still bringing.

i broke my first guitar string today...bah.

i got my first oil change today...!

i truly forgave someone today.

i love you.

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