

you think you understand. but you do not.
you never quite fully grasp anything.
you try to find tangibility. you try to hold on.

grey area. thick fog. hmmm.

so much in this society today, we try to define define define.
i do.
it seems to make things easier. it seems to bring peace from this chaos.
i find that i like punctuation because it give me definition. it gives me a border, a perimeter that i need to stay in.
a need to color inside the lines.
sometimes though, our ideals are not inside those lines, borderless.
sometimes...our hearts are outside those boxes.

what happens then? where do we go from there?

all i know and understand is that i hate the black and white.
i do not know if i could ever go back to that..is that even possible?
can people lie that well to themselves? this is real life...?

it's fucking terrifying to be there. to be here.
should i go back?


  1. No one's life is ever inside all the lines- it's something that makes us human. And those who think they are inside every line are only lying to themselves. It's a lie that's hard to keep up with over time.

    Besides, Impressionist art is way more interesting to look at.

  2. i love you. with. my. whole. heART.
