

the end to this week was exactly what i needed.
somehow, this week morphed from this grotesque beast into this budding rose.
this week has just been waiting to explode...it did. into something unimaginable in this time of life.
so much peace.
overwhelming peace.
[i leave for home in 4 days]

I walked tonight to a friend' house, and made dinner.
all four of us, such different people, untouchable even.
held each other. letting God fill where we could not.
prayed for the first time ever. willingly.just knew that i had to. that i was living to pray this prayer of thanksgiving.
we ate like kings, each bringing with us a kingdom of life that can teach one another.
we talked. we did not. we were there. we be.
[i have missed a lot of people]

my relationship with God is independent of man. that is what i am learning.
[going back is a little scary. so excited still]

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