
1.Ruah 2.Pneuma

I went running the other night, during this crazy storm.
I went alone.
It was one of the most exhilirating runs, i have ever ran.
this is my finding:

[We left together,
running off sync.
I came back, alone,
black holes filled my thoughts.

the trees were screaming,
the leaves dancing around me.
the wind silently sweeping amidst,
slicing objects into a painful screech.
death...creeping, arrives.

I have been late to life lately, so i run harder,
against this approaching invisible brick wal.
I unexpectedly find a companion along the way.
He takes many names: i call him friend.
He sharpens me, while i have nothing to give. he sticks around.

Although he is good to me, i am always in a bad mood.
want pity, he gives me reality. my heart blustered.
And so i run away.
but somehow i am running towards him.
I ignore.keep running. turn left. communication presently severed.

As the storm around me storms violently poetic,
my soul soaks up this strange something beautiful.
In sync i run, alone, but together with my friend.
Both storms reciting verse
one caged by blood, the other defined by oxygen and water.

The trees foreshadow what is to come,
my muscles rage against this cement sidewall,
pushing hard, falling slowly. rhythm finds me, i find solitude.
and then, it hits.

storms blending, my voice becomes the tree
the wind is now what carries me.
leaf, scattering now like worries.
somehow this juxtaposition of blood and air, has unified me and my one friend.
his storm.mystorm. my storm, is his storm.]

for some reason, i have been picturing God this whole time as a nice walk in the park, with birds chirping, and children running around on candy highs...
but God is not.
but God is.
He is everything in the world all at once. He is She. They are apart of the war. the destruction. yet, simultaneously, the daisy growing out of the rubble.
God is unstoppable, and will rock you.me.anyone. there is truth though, interwoven in this rock, like a weed. splitting the granite, redefining it's makeup.
I guess the only thing to do...to keep moving.

[for the last week and a half, I have been trying to finish this...
i think this passage sums this feeling up, quite well]

"The Wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sounds, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

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