

So many dreams last night. All of them, almost all of them, took place in Newberg Oregon.
Which is so different because I usually do not dream about new places until they feel like home.
I am in Newberg Oregon and i am home. I do not know yet if the magic of it has faded or what, but while I was home this summer I found this overwhelming amazement and joy about where I had lived for the past 18 years of my life. Milpitas California is beautiful, nestled violently and obliviously in the crook of the calaveras hills' bust.

So I am in Newberg finally.
It is weird though, just becasue I am not used to how everthing just falls right back into place. It is strange strange strange how it is so easy for everything to fall back into place. I am not sure how i feel about that all yet.
My days have been fun nonetheless though! I have really enjoyed seeing old faces.
Things are different, things are the same.


hmmm...what am i thinking?
I am so excited about school, but i will miss home much more than I had ever expected.
i will miss this town terribly.

What has been happening lately...
I worked my last day of work on saturday, I will miss them until I go back during the holidays.
i am gaining weight, which says something about my lifestyle...I am finally calming down and not frantic about.
Today I got to sit and listen to an old friend of mine talk, whom I will always cherish.
Lately i have been really happy. not just something fleeting, but truly happy.
Today I laughed the hardest I have all summer, the kind where your back hurts and you cannot steer correctly anymore from the tears streaming down your face.
Saturday i leave for George Fox University. i have a big knot in my stomach.
Most of all, I will miss my family horribly. They have sort of become my best friends over the season. My love to you boy who sleeps feet away from me.

Check this guy out, the name of his band's name is Passenger. pretty British. British=amazing.